Scientific Predictions

Listed on this page is the scientific predictions and/or conclusions resulting from the many published papers in the peer reviewed academic literature. These are given since it is the job of a scientist to firstly understand the world and then to make predictions about it which can be eventually verified as true or falsified. They are listed below in no particular order but in categories. The paper and year of publication where the prediction was made is also cited.

In addition, he has constructed his own three laws as postulates:

  1. No information can be contained in any system indefinitely.

  2. Any expanding civilisation will suffer diffusion dissipation over space, any static civilisation will suffer stagnating dissipation over time.

  3. A zoo containment shell around a technologically developing civilisation is not practically realisable over time without the co-operation of the contained civilisation (The Inverse Zoo Hypothesis).

General Interstellar Studies:

[1] No Information (and therefore technology) can be contained in any system indefinitely due to law of large numbers, transfer of knowledge, leak of knowledge, promotion of research by awareness of its existence [JBIS, 2016].

[2] The first interstellar flight towards another star launched by humanity will occur in the likely timeframe 2100 - 2150 but may be much sooner [JBIS, 2011].

[3] That a gram-scale laser driven starshot probe travelling at 0.2c over two decades trip time will likely need a particle bombardment dust shield of thickness ~3-7 mm [JBIS, 2023].

[4] That the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation is only a particular solution to spaceflight propulsion problems and there exists a more general form of the equation which includes the influence of external forces which might contribute to thrust generation, such as in the use of a solar sail and laser sail in conjunction with a reaction engine [Axiom, 2015]

Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion:

[1] A form of ICF propulsion will be applicable out to ~100 AU (by 2050 - 2070), out to 1,000 AU (by 2090 - 2110), out to 100,000s AU (by 2130 - 2150) [JBIS, 2022].

[2] Inertial confinement fusion methods for laser driven propulsion is likely to be competitive and therefore require less thermonuclear fuel for the same mission and payload when compared to magnetic confinement fusion methods [PhD thesis, 2023].

[3] In an ICF driven propulsion system, the jet efficiency is inversely proportional to the burn-up fraction and thermonuclear energy release fraction as well as the square of the exhaust velocity (JBIS, 2024).

[4] In an ICF driven propulsion system, and in the presence of expellant propellant, the jet efficiency is modified so as to be given as a function of the ratio of expellant mass to thermonuclear capsule mass (JBIS, 2024).

[5] The exhaust velocity of an ICF engine is given by balancing kinetic energy to Einstein energy for the square root of twice the energy fraction, all multiplied by the speed of light, but also by the square root of the burn-up fraction and the jet efficiency.

[6] The exhaust velocity of an ICF engine in the presence of expellant propellant is modified by the ratio of capsule mass to expellant mass, multiplied by the inverse of the square root of 2 (JBIS, 2024).

[7] The minimum thermonuclear capsule mass of ICF propulsion is proportional to the mass flow rate, exhaust velocity squared and inversely proportional to the jet efficiency, energy release fraction, burn-up fraction, pulse frequency and the square of the speed of light (JBIS, 2024).

[8] The laser driver energy for an ICF propulsion system is proportional to the energy release fraction, burn-up fraction, thermonuclear capsule mass, speed of light squared and inversely proportional to 4.385*10^6, all to the power of 3/4 (JBIS, 2024).

[9] The minimum implosion velocity for an inertial confinement fusion hot spot ignition model is given as a function of temperature and areal density along with a load of coefficients

Relativistic/FTL Flight:

[1] Ultra-relativistic spaceflight leads to temporal spaghettification and is not compatible with galaxy wide civilisations interacting in stable equilibrium [JBIS, 2016].

[2] Faster than light spaceflight leads to spatial runaway, and is not compatible with galaxy wide civilisations interacting in stable equilibrium [JBIS, 2016].

[3] An atomic sized warp bubble is likely to be constructed in a laboratory experiment [JBIS, 2005]. A warp bubble that has a radius of 1 micron and a thickness of order the Planck length, would require 10 to the power of 46 Joules of negative energy.

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI):

[1] That ETI likely exists in our galaxy, but the interaction probability is low due to a spatial-temporal-variance hypothesis [JBIS, 2022].

[2] That if advanced ETI is detected, it is most likely to originate from a star system within 200 light years of Sol [JBIS, 2023].

[3] Assuming intelligence is within 100 - 200 light years, then first contact with ETI is likely to occur in the next 1 - 2 Centuries, assuming it has not occurred already. By implications, for intelligence within 10 - 20 light years, first contact will likely occur in the next 10 - 20 years (JBIS, 2023].

[4] Contact with ETI can be predicted by the temporal contact equation which relates the maturation of key advanced propulsion technologies with the distance to an astronomical target and exoplanetary indicators.
