Interpreting the Aliens
Quite a few years ago now I worked on a project with the U.S military. This was a dozen officers mostly of rank Captain and Major who had the task of developing a strategic contingency plan for a potential ET invasion. To be clear, this was a scenario training exercise and did not reflect an actual fear of a real threat to humanity. It was a lot of fun to see how these outstanding officers grappled with the various issues and assessed the limited data they were given in the scenario for events unfolding in the distant cosmos that pointed towards artificial megastructure engineering that was headed our way.
Since they were members of the military, they were very much threat oriented and this indeed was a part of their brief. To identify the threat and develop a mitigation strategy for the purpose of defence or even elimination of the threat. But this bothered me a little, since there was insufficient information to lead to a firm conclusion that a threat was imminent and I wanted to encourage the officers to think more out of the box in terms of questioning the chain of command instructions. In the military this is not really permissible of course and a chain of command is important for minimisation of errors, but given the gravity of the subject matter I wanted to encourage them to see a bigger picture and to develop an ability to challenge authority when it is appropriate.
Around the same time, a film had just came out titled ‘Arrival’ which was based on the short text ‘Story of Your Life’ written by Ted Chiang. In this story objects arrive on Earth and it is the task of the scientists to establish a line of communications with them - a species referred to as the heptapods. It was an excellent film and I have seen it several times since.
But one of the main issues that the story centres around is a misinterpretation of the intended message. The scientists believe that the heptapods are communicating “offer weapon”, which is then also interpreted by China to mean ‘use weapon’, when in fact the species is communicating the word ‘offer tool’ or ‘offer technology’. They simply want to establish a trading relationship with our species.
Knowing about this misinterpretation in the film, I decided to have a bit of fun with the excellent officers. I told them that in this hypothetical scenario a message had been received from one of the distant ET craft and that it was symbolic in nature, constructed from a group of Hieroglyphic like symbols.
I asked them in groups of three to see if they could work out what the message said. I gave them a set of 7 picture cards and firstly they had to put them into the right order. If you want to have a go at this yourself, then don’t scroll down yet since the answer is at the bottom of this post.
The officers split into their respective groups and they were given half an hour or so to come to a consensus about the message and also to put the cards into the right order. The chosen symbols were actually borrowed from ancient history on Earth and I used a combination of Egyptian Hieroglyphics and proto-Cuneiform since I had familiarity with both languages. I wanted to see how they would interpret the images.
A historical example in the history of Earth where a miscommunication occurred leading to tragic consequences was the Voyage of Captain James Cook who in the 1700s had landed on the coast of New Zealands North Island. Pulling alongside the East side of the Turangunui river near present day Gisborne he encountered the Maori inhabitants. But a leader from this tribe was immediately shot and killed whilst they were undertaking a ceremonial challenge to greet the new arrivals. Cook and his crew had misinterpreted this as a hostile gesture of war.
The military officers correctly put the cards into the right order as should be expected from what was highly intelligent individuals. But next came the issue of translating the message. There was a variation in the answers and this is to be expected since the challenge was somewhat ambiguous but they really enjoyed the task having spent the prior few days immersed in physics and engineering lectures so this was a welcome distraction. It was so long ago now that I don’t recall all of the group answers but for sure there was a variation.
The truth is that there was no right or wrong answer, since I had made up the message, but I wanted to leave in their minds a clear impression that (1) instructions for the annihilation of another should always be questioned when the consequences are so large (2) that messages can be misinterpreted and it was important to develop a critical thinking capacity and come to your own conclusion rather than just blindly follow the orders of another if its unethical.
This is especially important when we live in a world with an incompetent leadership class across the political spectrum who neither serve the interests of the people who elect them, or make sensible decisions that lead to the improvement of society or the global community. Indeed, I would argue it’s even worse than that, in that we, the people of planet Earth, are deliberately deceived by every government of every country in the world on a regular basis. This points towards a profound problem in the human culture and the models we have adopted for how we elect our leadership class.
Given this, if ET was to come and visit us, we should be very careful about who we listen to and what information is communicated to us and therefore what are the motivations? Indeed, even on Earth one has to wonder in a geopolitical context what one nation is saying that is misinterpreted by another nation and how this can lead to dramatic consequences for everyone. Actions matter, but words matter too. Yet leaders across the world of all political persuasion are not careful with their words, but in fact they practice the opposite. We appear to live in a time where nation state diplomacy for the settling of disputes and civil discourse as a means for solving arguments is all but at an end. I worry about that. I worry about how we misinterpret each other.
When I was a child we learned the phrase “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”. But in the real world of nation state rivalry words can lead to chemical, biological or thermonuclear Armageddon. Words matter a lot!
So what did you come up with? My proposed answer is shown below. Remember this was just a bit of fun and I hope you enjoyed the challenge too.
Message read from Right to Left. The actual message intended was a request to meet in our system (star) at the first light (sun rise) and walk (foot) in the place where the mountains are (mountain), then to greet each other and in exchange a gift of precious metals (jewels) and tools (arrow) would be given to the humans. In return the aliens requested permission to mine (plough) hydrogen fuel (water) from the Sun (star) upon which their starship (boomerang) would then move off on a new trajectory away from our solar system (star).
Image credit at top: from the movie ‘Arrival’.
Originally posted on IRC web site and moved here: 15th March 2024